Dr. Gábor Keszey is the head of the data protection team in the office, he joined our team in July, 2015. Previously he was working in the office of the Data Protection Commissioner as data protection expert, then after the termination of the office, since 2012 he worked at the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information as head of department.
He has extensive expertise and practical experience in the field of data protection law and information law, he has knowledge not only on the needs of the market, but also has a comprehensive knowledge of the authority’s legal practice. His tasks include preparing and giving legal opinion on various privacy policies, conducting privacy audits, privacy trainings to various market players and, if necessary he also keeps contact with the data protection authority.
He graduated from the Catholic University of Law and Political Science Faculty acquired in 2004. He is co-writer of the book Data Protection and Freedom of Information in Everyday Life. He regularly gives lectures and seminars on various higher education institutions in the country and is a frequent lecturer at professional legal information in different forums, such as the HVG Smart Data, Internet Hungary and Email Marketing conferences.
In his spare time he enjoys traveling with his family, and he also like to play sports as running, squash or skiing.
Languages: English, German.
E-mail: gabor.keszey@drhathazi.hu